Piano Lessons Online for Beginners – Piano Lessons For Adults

Become a great piano player (or other instrumentalist) – Piano lessons for adults (and kids)


What does it need to become a great player? You’ll have to play a lot, to practice your instrument, to know your music theory and do music theory exercises.

Well, that sounds a bit boring, doesn’t it?

I hear you thinking: “That means endlessly running up and down the scales on the piano, hours of studying difficult music theory, etcetera…”

But the good news is: it doesn’t have to be boring or difficult!

Just take a look at the items below to see what this site has to offer to you to let you become this great player, without being difficult or boring:

Music theory for beginners

The basic music theory is explained in detail from the very beginning to an intermediate level. So, whether you’re a total beginner in music (theory) or already a bit more advanced: you will find what you need to have you up and running when you’re playing or learning to play your favorite instrument.

The music theory lessons are divided into 4 categories:

  • Notes/intervals
  • Scales
  • Chords
  • Reading music

Each category consists of several lessons. At the end of a lesson, you will find links to recommended interactive exercises that go with that lesson (see below).

Advanced music theory

We don’t stop at the intermediate level of the basic music theory as explained above. We also have an advanced jazz theory course.

Interactive music theory exercises

What would theory lessons be without the possibility to do exercises to train yourself?

That’s why you will find lots of interactive music theory exercises that will help you to not only test your knowledge, but also to master the theory better.

Moreover, the exercises are fun to do and not boring like the more traditional exercises.

The exercises are divided into the same 4 categories as the theory lessons. When you get the habit of doing 5 or 10 minutes of exercises every day, you skills and knowledge will improve in giant steps.

Complete piano course for beginners

Go from a total beginner on the piano to a good intermediate+ level piano player with our amazing piano course.

For more information about this complete piano course, click here.

Ultimate blues piano course

Learn to play blues piano!

This course is for total beginners on the piano as well for people that already know how to play the piano, but want to start playing the blues on the piano.

For more information about this blues piano course, click here.

Jazz theory course

Want to play jazz? Then it’s important to know how it all works.

This jazz theory course is for all instrumentalists and explains in detail all the theory that every jazz musician should know.

For more information about this jazz theory course, click here.

Jazz piano chords

Are you struggling to play nice sounding (jazz) chords on the piano?

This course teaches you exactly how to do that.

For more information about this jazz piano chords course, click here.

Music notation software course

Learn how to create professional sheet music and even whole songbooks or fakebooks with MuseScore (FREE profesional music notation software).

For more information about this MuseScore course, click here.


piano band

This site is not only for piano players

Do you play the guitar? The bass? The saxophone? Do you sing? Or do you play any other instrument? Then, this site is also for you.

The only thing you should know, are the notes on a piano, but this is clearly explained in the first theory lesson. When you know this, you’re good to go for all the other music theory lessons and exercises.

By the way, did you know that any other instrumentalist should at least know the basics of the piano? This is, because the piano is probably the instrument with the best visual representation of the notes. At a glance you can see the notes with a sharp or flat (the black keys) or the ones without (the white keys).

Also, the piano is one of the best instruments to compose a song on.

You can connect an electronic keyboard to the computer and work with a digital workstation and make a whole band on your own (also good for composing).

So, what are you waiting for? Get started today!